Originally Posted by Roberta
Search the Board for references to MOG. She has, over the years, given out much misinformation. If you have questions, ask them there... you will learn from actual experienced growers, who will qualify their advice based on conditions and observations.
With regard to Den. moniliforme... I would trust the advice of Japanese growers. They are the experts. Or growers outside of Japan who have expertise with the species that are treasured in Japan (For instance, Neofinetia (Vanda) falcata. For instance, Jason Fischer of Orchids Limited (orchidweb.com) is definitely an authority with regard to these species.
Den. moniliforme is its own species - Den. nobile is another species. There are many Den. nobile hybrids. For learning about species (habitats, etc.) go to Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia
I see. That's good to know — thank you. It's a little frustrating trying to gauge information as a beginner.
To be honest, I don't watch MOG much anymore. Not enough Neos and jewel orchids for my taste I guess. haha
Also, thank you for the recommendation of Jason Fischer — I've sent him an email asking about his thoughts on D. moniliforme dormancy.
I also asked in the email whether Sedirea japonica needs one. MOG said they do (though as I'm now hearing, I should be cautious of some of her advice), but Taras at Flora Peculia, whom I buy from, doubts it, because it's a kind of Phal, which don't generally have dormancies.