From the photo, the plant looks a lot like Den.wassellii. So the tag is misspelled, (The person who wrote the tag was maybe a bit dyslexic...

)This should help you find information. You should be able to grow it outside easily. (It can tolerate temperatures from near freezing to over 100 deg F) Mine typically blooms in June or July, with lots of cute little white flowers.
You may also find info on it as Dockrillia wassellii (I think Dendrobium is the currently accepted genus but it has been Dockrillia at some point)
I don't particularly dry mine out in winter (same for most of my deciduous Dendrobiums) but it does get a good chill, and blooms nicely. If you get some chill (nights below about 50 deg F) , great. If not, a relatively dry month or two can have the same effect.