Thank you both very much. I included a photo of one of the upper growths before I wrapped it in moss.
I'm not sure about the sizing issue, it looks fine on my PC...I did this image a bit smaller I think. Hopefully that helps.
Anyways, I received this from a friend about 3 years ago. I repotted it when I received it in a mixture of bark and sphagnum moss. I'm not sure if it's my watering schedule (once a week they get a soak, about once a month they get light fertilizer), the media, or the lighting, but it never seemed truly happy in my care. It did eventually bloom though, so I guess that's something. I have not repotted it since. When I got it had the two plants in the one pot and so I left them like that.
Would you recommend repotting, or letting the new growths get bigger then repotting?