Have you resurrected a paph?
Hey, all.
I got my first paph a few months ago at an orchid auction. I really didn't intend to get it, but they sold it for $10 and no one else was raising their hand, so I did.
I didn't know anything about paphs then, as opposed to the very little I know now. I know it might not have been the best thing for the orchid, but I have to practice and make mistakes.
My mistake here was not watering it enough. It was in a ~3" square pot. The media didn't hold much water. It was meant to be watered frequently. I think it was course bark and those little cubes that look like perlite.
I took that to meant that it liked to dry out some. I was also getting watering advice from people I later found out had greenhouses and probably assumed I had one too.
So I wasn't watering it enough. It was a small plant, with about 4-6 leaves and had another small plant growing up beside it. In the last few months, I've lost all but a couple of the leaves on the main plant and I have a mostly green leaf on the second plant, but the leaf in the crown is dead. I've trimmed most of the dead growth away and potted it in semi-hydro. So far it's in a holding pattern. In the last couple of weeks I've seen neither growth nor decline.
I'm hoping it'll recover and come back as I read Ray saying that paphs do well when converted to SH. It might be different in this case, since the orchid was already in bad shape, but I knew it would have died on me, left as it was.
I'll include pictures of it in it's current state and if it recovers, I'll do update photos. You guys can feel free to comment on my plant, but it would be heartening for me to see other success stories where you've brought back struggling paphs from the brink. Before and after pictures are highly encouraged. Lets see those zombie paphs. Thanks guys.