Originally Posted by Ray456
Is Paph. Berenice easy to grow. Suitable for a novice
By the way, Welcome to the Orchid Board, Ray456!
Many of us think Paphiopedilums are easier to grow than Phalaenopsis. Strap-leafed Paph hybrids do well with quite bright light and regular watering in a very loose medium. I'm not supposed to admit this, but mine haven't seemed to turn a hair when, through negligence, I let them get completely dry for a few days. Their only at least a 6" / 15cm pot when they get big.
You can find here
Paphiopedilum Species Photo Gallery
which are the species called strap-leafed by hobbyists. Look for subgenus Polyantha.
In the past strap-leafed species were often considered difficult to grow, but that may have been overcome over time by selecting seedlings for propagation that do well in cultivation. So I wouldn't worry about that.
Any hybrid among these species would produce beautiful flowers not too far off from Berenice. You're in England, but you can see a few at Orchids by Hausermann in Chicago:
Paphiopedilums at Orchids by Hausermann
Of the ones they list now, these are strap-leafed species and hybrids (in order of appearance on their current Web page):
William Ambler
Jerry Spence
Gary Romagna
(Sander's Pride x philippinense)