Well in the last few days I've gotten really interested in paph's and I just could not resist posting about them. Here are some of my plants that I have and some have bloomed before(first 3 fotos) they are=
-Paph Leeanum(not doing so well, new growth did not get bigger, but has a new root.)
-Paph Ho Chi Minh
-Paph Maudiae
On my wish list(last 4 fotos)=
-Paph pinnochio(where I want to buy it has mealybugs, theyl get rid of it for me.)
-Paph gratrixianum
-Paph rothchildianum
-Paph charlesworthii
I have only one Paph at the moment, have had difficulty getting them to re-bloom in the past but the one I have is about to open with 2 flowers this season. Will be looking for more to add to the collection.