I've got Paph. Pink Fred and I believe it's considered a sequential bloomer since not all the blooms from one spike are open at the same time. That said I had at least two open on mine at once, then the first died around the time the 3rd opened. That said I had 5 blooms total, and it has mottled leaves. I got this in bud for $25 at an Orchid show.
While it's not pink it's got some sorta-kinda on the twisty petals! Paph. Lebaudyanum (within your 20-40 range, though I can't recall exactly how much at the moment).
Are you anti-darker pink with stripes then or would you like Paph President Fred?
Are you anti-darker pink with stripes then or would you like Paph President Fred?
Hey lotis146!! I like those, too, but I think the dark striped paphs are pretty common and not quite what I am looking for. I am looking for that soft baby pink color
I am going hiking in NZ and I plan to look for orchids in the mountain plains. I switzerland, there are a bunch of orchids including nigritella nigra which is brown and smells of chocolate... <3
Here's one that I have that is a tiny bit pink: Paph. primulinum var. album "Yellow Bird" X Paph. dianthum var. album "Albino Beauty." I got it from Orchid Inn in Bloomington IL a few years ago; I think he still has this cross.