Hey all, it's been a long while since I've been on here, and ages since I've been active. I've been quite busy these past few months, and just came back from a trip back to Florida and all over the southern states. I visited in on my collection, and to my surprise it's Paph. blooming season (apparently!). Among the many in bloom, a very special species poked it's blooms out, just above the leaves of a monstrous
Paphiopedilum adductum. I've never seen the species bloom in person, and I must comment that seeing it in person is somewhat more miraculous then seeing a
Paph. supardii or even a
Paph. rothschildianum in full bloom!
I was told that a few visitors noticed the plant and took some photographs of it, along with my now ever-blooming
Paph. chamberlainianum. I took the plant back to my fiancés house, where it is currently living until it gets shipped up here to Chicago to be grown and photographed better. I took some quick pictures of the plant before I left Florida, but there wasn't enough lighting, so they didn't come out. My fiancé took a picture of the flowers today in her bathroom with a camera phone, and it to me... not the best picture, but more and better are to come, along with information and help on growing this somewhat slow and difficult species. One quick tip is to grow them darker and cooler...
Paphiopedilum adductum and Kat's hand...