Many of my paphs are in spike now, and I'm posing some that I like to look at.
1. Delenatii hybrid.
2. Hsinying Alien sib cross. This one was bought for under $10 at a TJ last October while vacationing in Napa Valley. I'm very excited to see it spike again because it had a very colorful and large flower.
3. Henryanium. Getting close day by day.
4. Hilo Key Lime. I love the leaves on this one.
5. Complex (bulldog type) with two sheaths and a pup. Yay!!!
6. Vanda M. Pearman. I think I see something emerging in the center, although not very visible in this picture.
7. Pink Sky. I see something dark coming up, but it could be a teaser leaf.
8. Delrosi. A couple of months ago, there was this dark pointy thing emerging from the center, and I was super excited thinking it was a spike. Well, it turned out to be a teaser leaf. It is that leaf with the dark marks at the tip.
Now this plant is again sending up a dark pointy thing from the center. Another teaser leaf maybe. or it is a spike this time. It has been growing well adding two pups during the summer.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 10-29-2015 at 12:29 AM..
I've recently been through, and am still going through, the same anticipation and mystery as my Lebaudyanum grew new leaves on two of its growths that I thought were spikes and now one of them is in spike!! Orchids have taught me well about patience especially in cases like this.