I know, it is a common maudiae type hybrid, but it's my favorite type of paphs and this one is kind of special.
I got this one in bloom in the fall of 2012. Nice big bloom.
It also had two small new fans going, so I thought, well, it's a good grower! BUT...I've never seen anything growing so slow. At one time, I almost wanted to throw it out. I don't have patience to keep unblooming plants more than two years, although that rule has some exceptions now that I have some roth parvi and other hybrid that I might never see bloom in this life.
I decided to check the roots and they were massive with tons of white growing tips, which I don't see often on this type of hybrids when this young.
So I found the excuse to keep it.
Boy, did it grow slowly!
In almost two years, it is spiking, but both fans are sending up a spike, which makes it worth the wait.
Also, each fan is growing one baby fan to its sides.
I am yet to find out if this thing will start growing any faster, but at least it's got two directions going.