I purchased this in bud from Little Brook Orchids on 6/7/2014 and have been obsessively lurking over him since (top picture is day I brought him home). It seemed like nothing was ever going to happen...until today! Hurrah! I can't wait. What is the little...nubbin behind the bud? Is that a second bud?
It is a bud. I had a Pinocchio that flowered for Months on end, I think the most it ever had was 6 flowers in sequence. They are sequential bloomers and will keep going for a looooong time.
Pinocchio is a sequential bloomer, and it can be in bloom for more than a year. I hope you like the flower because you'll be sick of it before it quits blooming!
No, he's not a funny little thing, he's a pretty little thing! I have a Pinocchio blooming for over a year now and still enjoy the flowers. I call him my Energizer Bunny.