Opinions on hybrids between parvi & multifloral
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Old 05-30-2014, 06:42 PM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Opinions on hybrids between parvi &amp; multifloral
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It is a well known fact that these hybrids, when turned out right, can be the best ever, but it can also be quite frustrating to bloom them.

I have always wanted them, and I did purchase one blooming size Delrosi (among my favorite along with Dollgoldi). It is growing more leaves and roots and I hope I get to see flowers not too far into the future.

Delrosi, Dollgoldi, Harold Koopowitz, Gloria Naugle.

Are these pretty much equally pain in the butt to bloom?
I assume GN might be the toughest because micranthum is what many people have hard time with.

Please indicate whether you have these hybrids involving older (slower to mature, harder to bloom) rothschildianum or "newer" one.

I know that like anything else, it all comes down to basically the luck with individual plants as some older ones are still reliable bloomer while some newer cross can be just about as frustrating if they ever flower at all.

Anyone can confirm that the "cold shock" treatment works for these?

Thanks in advance!
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Old 05-31-2014, 01:33 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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I have GN which bloomed last year for the first time. I got it 3 years prior to that as a single growth which isn't too bad considering the guy who gave me the division said it took 8 years for his plant to bloom. I grow it as warm as I can, and if it gets any cooling it's only natural cooling as we move from warm summer days into fall/winter. It was a little weird when it bloomed. I expected it to bloom off of the most mature growth, but instead it bloomed from the newest smaller growth. It has since kicked out 7 new growths. It seems to grow at a glacial pace so I don't expect any blooms for another couple of years. When it does bloom it is so worth it! The flowers last a long time as well.

Last edited by quiltergal; 05-31-2014 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 06-01-2014, 03:38 PM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Opinions on hybrids between parvi &amp; multifloral

7 new growths the whole time you had it, or since last flowering? Either way, it does not sound too bad at all. You might as well get multiple spikes on the next flowering. Wouldn't that be so cool?

I have one specimen sized paph and the oldest growth is now spiking after sitting there for three years and having produced four fans of which have already flowered! so the order can be messed up, and sometimes some fans do not make flowers at all.

One commercial paph grower said leaving parvi&multi hybrids in the mid 40s for a few weeks help the plants spike, although it may not work every time. but apparently it is either just luck or not many people tried it and confirmed it yet.
or hidden secret??

My Delrosi looks like it is about to spike, but if it doesn't, I'm going to stick it in the fridge in the fall. hahaha
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Old 06-01-2014, 06:03 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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It started 7 new growths since it flowered last year. Kinda crazy! It also bloomed in the middle of August. Since our temps in summer rarely dip below 80 even at night I don't think chilling it was a factor that induced blooming.
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Old 06-04-2014, 02:10 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Opinions on hybrids between parvi &amp; multifloral

Wow~ that is quite the growth spur!
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Old 06-05-2014, 11:41 AM
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Opinions on hybrids between parvi &amp; multifloral Male

Originally Posted by quiltergal View Post
It started 7 new growths since it flowered last year. Kinda crazy! It also bloomed in the middle of August. Since our temps in summer rarely dip below 80 even at night I don't think chilling it was a factor that induced blooming.
Remember that it takes about 5 months from initiation to bloom in most Paphs. If your plant bloomed in August, the bud was initiated in March!

---------- Post added at 10:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

Since multis hold little fascination for me, I do not have a lot of them. And, since my collection went through a 2 year period of neglect due to pressing family matters, my direct experiences may not be representative.

I would categorize Multi x Parvi about the same as Multi x Brachy. The good ones are VERY good, and the bad ones are REAL DOGS (just like complex x species breeding).

Many of these 'intergroup' hybrids have a reputation as being difficult to bloom. Whether it comes from mixing the two different sets of plant characteristics, or whether it comes from relutantly blooming rothschildianums (in most cases) is not clear to me.

I have had a blooming size Conkoloco (concolor x kolopakingii) for some 5-6 years, and I have not bloomed that plant yet.

I am 99% certain that my Wossner Kolarmi (kolopakingii x armeniacum) is in bud. I purchased this plant a year ago at Parkside Orchid Fest, with 1 mature & two large new growths. It is budding in the mature growth, so I should see something in 2-4 months. When it blooms, I will post photos, whether it is good, bad or indifferent.

I have one further observation about Paphs in general. I water more than most growers, as I have Vandas hanging above my Paphs. When I receive new plants and get them into my growing conditions, in many cases I get new leaves that are wider than those they came with. It is my contention, that 98% of hobby growers do not water their Paphs enough.

If I can find the time, I will try to get some photos to illustrate the point.
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Old 06-06-2014, 03:21 PM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Opinions on hybrids between parvi &amp; multifloral

Multi & brachy hybrids are worse than multi & parvi hybrids, although it all depends on the plants.

With that said, some just never flower, ever!
so I won't be surprised if your Conkoloco never blooms for you.
That's just how it is with them.

Wossner Kolarmi is considered easier alternative of Dollgoldi, but again, it's all up to individual plants.

I would love to see yours in bloom, so be sure to post when it opens.

I'm mainly concerned about 4 specific hybrids that I mentioned in my very first post on this thread.

Soooo, anyone else out there have some good experience with these??
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Old 06-27-2014, 07:30 PM
wonderlen3000 wonderlen3000 is offline
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I think its depends on what generation of 'roths' and 'parvi' parents are used. Older crosses are very notorious for slow growth and not blooming. I found it most of the newer crosses, from Asia (esp Taiwan) tent to be much faster growing and easier to bloom.

Bear in mind that, i say over 75% of the time, the plants needs to be in multi growth, before it will bloom. Also which parents is the pod parent and which one is the pollen etc. Using parvi as pot parents tent to faster growing and easier to bloom and also the plant itself tent to be more compact.
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bloom, delrosi, dollgoldi, frustrating, hybrids, parvi, multifloral, opinions

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