Originally Posted by Pokey49
Oh, one other question . Whether watering 1x or 2x per week how much water do you use? I douse the pot until the water is running out the bottom of the pot rather than just pouring a dab of water in the pot like my mom use to water her African violets. BAsed on what I have read, all the medium must get wet, not just the top inch or so.
As for watering, you might want to revisit my older post.
I do water thoroughly, but I mist enough for top half an inch or so of the pot to be watered in between (almost daily) watering. I explained the reason why in my older post. You may find out why when you repot your paph later.
Regarding the yellowing leaves, I have no idea, but given the look, I don't think it is something to worry about unless it continues on with other leaves.
I have never seen any of my paph losing more than one leaf at a time on the most current growth if ever. I have seen more than one leaf yellowing at the same time on old growths that are over two three years old.