HCC is another award from the AOS, I can't remember what it stands for now, but I think the AM/AOS is a higher one.
(Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS x Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying') x Sib
This is a cross between two siblings of the same plant, that's what the x Sib means. The two siblings were both Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS x Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' which in it's self is a cross of Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS and of Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying'
The brackets help you know what was crossed with what, so that you know the sibling cross was done last with two of the previous cross, rather than the sibling cross having happened on one of the parents before crossing with the other.
The significance of a sibling cross is that if there is a clonal name (the bit in quote marks) that name will not carry to any of the children even if both parents were of that clone. Seed crosses always change the genetics and a clonal name is only given to absolutely identical plants. Awards also only go with clones, not with seed offspring. So Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS x sib (Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS crossed with it's self) will be Paph. Supersuk but will drop the clonal name and the award. You can also get self crosses, which means it was fertilised from the same plant, or even from the same flower, this too will result in a genetically different plant from the seeds (in fact every seed is slightly different) and so would drop the clonal name and the award.
Paph. (Makuli-Curtisii)-Maudiae x Paph. Maudiae 'Napa Valley' HCC/AOS x Sib is similar, but there are no brackets which could mean that Paph. Maudiae 'Napa Valley' HCC/AOS x Sib was done before the other cross, but it's not clear. I'm also not sure what (Makuli-Curtisii)-Maudiae indicates. Is that (Makuli x Curtisii) x Maudiae which indicates Makuli crossed with Curtisii then the result crossed with Maudiae, or does it indicate something else with the -

---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 AM ----------
Paph. Supersuk x Paph. Raisin Pie is registered as Paph. Hsinying Alien
So your first one is Paph. Hsinying Alien x sib, which can also just be called Paph. Hsinying Alien. Either the seller did not know the registered name, or they wanted to show that the parents were awarded clones which would not come through in the registered name of this plant.
---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------
Sorry I can't help with culture much. In general I keep my paphs and phals together and fertilise them the same to. Fertilser burn might occur if the fertiliser concentrations are too strong, but if you are not getting such problems with your phals you should be fine with paphs as well.