Originally Posted by The Orchid Boy
I was talking to Sam Tsui from Orchid Inn and he said he treats it kind of like a delenatii temperature wise. Delenatii and maliopense need temperatures that are just a little cooler but not as cool as armeniacum or micranthum. For my delenatiis, I just put on a cool windowsill at night during late winter every night for 1 or 2 months, and that seems to do the trick.
With maliopense, the spike first pops up in the fall and then stops growing, then starts growing again in late winter right?
Thank you for the info. The temperature in my apartment does not go very low even in the winter. My complex paphs are not flowering if that's sign. However, my Armeni White is pushing up its third spike since I bought in September. I guess it doesn't need any cooling at all, which is wonderful for me.
---------- Post added at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------
Originally Posted by eggshells
Indeed, I grow them like delenatii. However, I don't give winter rest on my dels. I keep the moist all year long. This one isn't any different. The spike initiates in the fall and continue growing until spring/early summer (sometimes 7 months). It needs that time to grow that relatively long spike. It never stops growing but its relatively slow.
Orchid man, the coolest of my temps is 17c.
That is great to know! I read somewhere that malipoense needs high humidity and cool temperature, but I guess it is really not true then. Now I'm really tempted to get one, except I don't know where to find it. lol
By the way, plant size is rather bigger than I thought. Do you know if yours is standard size or larger than average?
Yeah, I heard malipoense takes forever to grow the spike.
My Aremni White is also supposed to have quite long spike but last time it flowered, the flower barely stood above it foliage. I wonder how long the spike will grow this time around. Armeni White is supposed to be mildly scented I read but I couldn't detect any. it must be dependent on persons.
Back to Malipoence, I saw a picture of a large specimen with over a dozen flowers or so, all on super tall stems like yours. It was from a Canadian orchid society website. It looked amazing! I was totally hooked.