Pictures are from last night and rather blurry.
It just opened up yesterday.
I have two of this same cross and one other very similar cross.
This one looks more like that other cross as its brother has pure white bloom with skinnier flower shape.
Last year, it bloomed two on one spike.
This time, I do see there's a possible second bud tucked underneath the current bloom, but not sure if it will ever develop into a second flower.
This is a very welcomed bloom because I have been worried that I might lose it after the plant aborted a growing spike on another mature growth a couple of months ago. I'm guessing it was the summer heat that is to blame.
Oh, by the way, the cross name is paph. In Charm Greenery 'Chao Chou' BM/TPS x Paph. In Charm White 'In Charm'
The white flower (nearing the end of its life after being in bloom for quite some time now) in the last photo is another plant of the same cross, or at least the same name tag.
It looks more like one of its parent, In Charm White.
Better photos will follow as the flower opens up completely.
Stay tuned!