Just photos of the final results from my deflasking today........On the right of the tray there are 16 sanderianum seedlings which are all pretty even in growth.
In the left hand side of the tray are 21 rothschildianum seedlings. I was running out of room and some of the roth seedlings were small so I made those into 3 plant compots unless they were big enough to be on their own. Check out the roth seedling that came out of the flask with nearly an 8 inch leaf span.
Here is a photo of the whole tray, you will see an empty space in the tray which divides the sanderianum from the rothschildianum. I have small bark in the bottom for extra drainage and this is topped up with mini pine bark and perlite. I have been increasing the amount of perlite as I think this benefits the plants. After this I am off the deflask my druryi, a species I find hard to maintain.
The seedling nearly 8 inches across when leaves are flattened. My hand is about 5 inches across - easily the biggest paph seedling I've ever deflasked and so many roots!
The 8 inch seedling in the tray after potting.