Bull dog types do not need strong light. The misconcept stem from the fact that many multi flowering type paphs need fairly high light to grow and flower well, and these have plain green leaves also.
So many literature incorrectly say mottled leaves need low light and green leaves need higher light.
Many bull dogs do need a few weeks of cool nights to initiate flower spike and to flower better and larger.
This is why these are commonly sold around winter time. Their natural flowering season.
If you live in mild climate where it doesn't get too hot, then these can flower about any time of the year.
Temperature is the trigger for flower production for these.
Also, as Rosie points out, these guys can take longer than a year for their new fan to mature and finally flower. I have one that flowers every other year.
You have many fans going, which is great! Soon you will be rewarded with many flowers then! yay for you!!!