Hi, I have bought Paph. armeniacum x leucochilum ' In-Charm ' . Here is a link to its photo in bloom:
Paph. (armeniacum x leucochilum ' In-Charm ' SM/TOS)
After about a month I noticed that its upper roots are mushy and after taking it out of pot it was obvious that most of the roots got rotten.

I have been watering it on the same schedule as many of my other paphs in my collection, but seems like for this one it was too much.
Please please help how to recover it...

I have never had a paph dying before, so I am not sure if maybe it was already shipped half rotten. This is the first time I will have to do something like trying to grow out a new roots on paph. I had some phals rotten before and I usually just place a bare root plant (or just the fan if all roots are gone) on a wet sphagnum and mist it from time to time and they grow new roots in no time. Would the same procedure be ok for this paph? Or do I need to buy some root stimulators or something like that? The fan is still pretty green and looks ok, only roots is the problem...