Thank you for the complements everybody!
I really like parvisepalum paphs. Next weekend my parvi collection will expand: I am getting NBS Fanaticum and BS Magic Lanthern from Glen Decker. I am also getting a seedling of sanderianum, but that will take years and years before blooming.
Yes, I will post pictures of the whole haul, I will be picking up quite a few pre-ordered plants from the show
I should probably mention that I am getting a 10-12 " sized seedling for $49.95 since he was out of 5-6 " at $29.95 that is listed on the website.
I also really like Paph. stonei but it seems to be a hard-to-find one, at least here in Canada
Thank you!
I think they are fully opened now and micranthums pouch grew soooo much more, that it is bigger than armeniacums and looks like a huge inflated baloon.