Neo NJ - I have them all and have not had any problems except with the Charlesworthii which requires cooler temps than I can give. It blooms for me here in Central Florida but not as well as it would in a cooler location. In regards to your comment about Harold Koopowitz, mine first bloomed on it's 3rd growth in a 5" pot and has just gotten better and better. If you like this type of breeding, have you thought about Paph Frank Smith which is Norito Hasegawa X rothschildianum, it has the same shape as the Koopowitz but is yellow and blooms young. Here is a link to a picture. Paph. Frank Smith (ET x Crys)
Love love those choices. However, Delrosi is known to be a reluctanct bloomer. a few years ago, I sold multi-growths Delrosi at the show. The lady who bought it kept coming back to the show every single year and kept telling me that it has not bloomed yet. It's not my fault.
Kind like your Harold Koopowitz. If you like the shape and the color, how about Pink Sky ( delenatii x Lady Isabel )?
Molly - I forgot all about Pink Sky, love it. And if you think that Delrosi is reluctant stay away from Paphiopedilum Gloria Naugle (Paphiopedilum rothschildianum X Paphiopedilum micranthum). Mine was 9 years out of flask before it first bloomed, I have been told however that some of the remakes are not as reluctant to bloom.