As for humidity (well like that's just jumping in, in the middle of things, eh?)

Paphs are a group that seems to go along with whatever we provide them. If you keep them moist, then 30% should cause no harm. Two things: forget spraying the leaves. This does only momentary good and in the long run leads to rot. Forget humidity trays, unless the tray and plants are totally enclosed in a glass or plastic shell. The humidity (as dismal as it is) is simply being dispersed into the room with little benefit to the plants. I have a tray under mine, but that's to catch the water from watering. That water is totally evaporated by end of day and the humidistat never budges during that period. I'd say, quit worrying and do like we all do: get more plants!

Hope this helps. Don't mean to sound critical, but just wanted to calm your nerves and help a bit.