I don't know to whom I should address this problem but I tried to look under Member Articles at the Phrag culture sheet and got nothing but a list of errors. Could someone address this soon? I have a phrag now and know a little about growing it but not enough to be entirely comfortable. Help please.
I can see what you mean about them not working and I'll report it to Marty.
Most of our care sheets were the same as the AOS ones, however I notice that there isn't a Phrag on on the AOS site.
I'm unsure if ours just linked to AOS as the info was identical I know AOS have re-designed their website so not sure if the links have got broken because of that.
Most Phrags do best in Catt light and very moist year round. I grow mine sitting in saucers of water.
They also prefer pure water and very very light fertilizing. If the tips of the leaves get brown, you have a salt accumulation but the plant will be fine.