Hey guys, first a little background:
I got this cypripedium around April this year (it's my first one). I spoke to a guy at the show who grows them, and he told me that as soon as it dies down I should unpot it and put it in the fridge for around two months. I did that about three weeks ago, at the time it had 2 new growths coming and when I checked earlier this week I saw that it had pushed out a third whilst "chilling"

. Anyway, that seems to be working.
Onto the question: I'm getting conflicting information on what potting mix to use when I pot it again, some places say acidic, other places say basic. I'm thinking acidic, since it likes bogs and the like. I like using palm peat, if acidic is good is that acidic enough or should I buy some regular potting mix? Or something more exotic?
Thanks upfront for the help!