Hello, I was potting up one of my besseaes a couple of days ago and the newest growth broke off of the old growth with all the roots.

it happened because these guys climb out of their pot and it snapped off when it was being potted.
the problem is that it has no roots because it was just floating in the air attatched by a rhizome and it only has tiny little woody knubs at the bottom which i assume are roots. it has a couple of new growths on it which im hoping push out roots. i have it sitting in moist spagh with some bark in it and staked so it stands up. ive also given it some superthrive.
the plant is wilting BAD and already the leaves have lost their plump texture and rigidity and also feel leathery while curling up at the edges.

is this bad? will sticking it in a bag-teepee work in a humid environment? thanks