I've always thought of Phrags as some of the easiest orchids to grow and bloom well - exactly because of their heavy water consumption! I have just put their pots into deep saucers so that the bottom 1/4 of the pot sits in water. The water needs to be changed each watering (maybe twice a week). They like purified water, and want to be really wet before they are fertilized. Ideal light a little brighter than a phal or paph. The one I've never done well with is bessiae. Not sure why, but the plants always looked terrible for me. It's hybrids are fine, though. The new one (kovachii) is
incredible! I saw the one in bloom at Orchids Limited. I can't wait for them to come down in price a lot so I can buy one!
Orchid Web: Phrag. kovachii - <b>Species</b>