Cultural conditions for Phragmipedium humboldtii
Hello All,
This is my first Phragmipedium.
I have been trying to find information on where and how this species humboldtii grows naturally. All I have found is Central America. Cultivar is 'Fortuna.’
Does that seem accurate? Is it low elevation or high elevation? Will it appreciate cooler temperatures in general or in evenings? Or should I keep it phaleonopsis - like warm temperatures?
I initially treated it like a phaleonopsis. As I understood it, my cattleya and vanda conditions are too bright for it.
I also watered it daily with rainwater and kept a saucer beneath with small amounts of water and emptied daily to keep fresh. Is this recommended culture for this species? Should I allow it to dry out any?
Is this one of those that would appreciate lime in the mix to raise pH?
Complicating things, I believe it had a poor root system and was wobbly in pot at purchase. Pretty much all looked that way and I attributed it to recent divisions transplanting. So, maybe my daily watering made things worse. A Few brown turgid, firm roots, nothing new looking. I down sized the pot and cut off older yellow leaves on the fans and yellowing tips.
Small plantlets emerging at base.
Please steer me in the right direction.
Thank you!
Phragmipedium humboldtii 'Fortuna'