Originally Posted by devraj
.....I will check them when i get back home from work and also raise the bbulbs from the growing medium. Is it fine if i transfer them to smaller pots now? I am in South Africa and we are going into winter here.....
One thing about this forum is that you will get 12 different answers for a question from 10 different people.
A slightly lighter color, possibly even YELLOW, can be normal for Cyms at the lower part of the leaves. Yours look fine, except that they are over-potted, ie potted in too big a pot. There should be no more than 2" from division to edge of pot.
In regard to the depth of the bulbs in the pot, most people pot too high causing the bulbs to "rock" in the mix. I bury 1/3 of the bulbs and have for 40 years with excellent results. Your best guide is to look at a large, healthy division and see where it naturally settles its new bulbs. Be sure it is a HEALTHY division and not one where the mix has been washed out!
Good luck and welcome to the OF,
Cym Ladye