Hi Tm,
Well, you just learned that if you ask a question on this forum, you will get as many different answers to your question as people replying.

Simply put, it is because we grow our orchids in all parts of the world and subsequently under many different conditions.
First of all, welcome to the OB. Secondly, seriously consider joining the Napa Orchid Society, the society sponsoring the show you just attended. There are several good Cymbidium growers who are members of that club, and they will be happy to personally answer your future questions as they come up. As an active member of several different orchid societies, I cannot stress enough the help as well as knowledge gained from being a member of these groups with a shared love of orchids.
To your specific questions:
1) In my opinion, your mix is too heavy for your Napa conditions. I think you will find a better draining mix, containing different sizes of fir bark or Coconut husk and expanded perlite, will better benefit your plants.
2) Although hope springs eternal on blooming, I suspect your plants will not bloom for a couple of years, especially the one with only two pseudobulbs. By the way, each "clump" of attached pseudobulbs should be in a separate pot.
Our society on the S.F. Peninsula holds a Hands on Potting workshop each spring. We use a constantly upgraded handout to guide the participants through all the steps involved with dividing and repotting Cyms. If you will send me an address to which I can send it as an attachment, I will be glad to send it on to you as I have many members of the OB.
Good luck,

Cym Ladye