Originally Posted by Gage
Thanks for the info, NewBloom. I sure hope it blooms for me. I have heard and read that the smaller Cymbidiums are more heat tollerant, and this one is less than half the size of a standard Cym. Any thoughts?
Was there any ID or vendor info included with your cym? That would resolve the mystery surrounding your plant. Perhaps you could ask the Publix employee about the vendor info if it's a NOID. Explain that you just want to know if you've got a heat tolerant cym or not, so they don't think you're trying to go around their back to buy cyms.
It could very well be that yours comes from another vendor than what I've seen at Publix stores in my area. Some of the Westerlay cyms I saw over Christmas weren't huge so a smaller plant size doesn't always mean it's heat tolerant.
Lowe's has been known to carry heat tolerant cyms that are grown in FL. I was hoping to score one but after Feb rolled passed the nursery manager told me that they didn't expect to get any this year due to the warmer winter we had.

They usually carry them around Nov-Feb. Ask at your local Lowe's and see what they say.
The experts here have good info. And even if your plant doesn't bloom they are impressive looking plus you didn't pay a lot for it.
Happy growing!