I bought a yellow and green Cymbidium right after Valentine's Day. I was wondering what would be a good way to give it enough light. I have it next to a sunny window but it doesn't get much there. The flowers are starting to turn brown on the edges and I don't know how long they have been blooming before I got it. The leaves look great and the bulbs are all okay besides a few that look like they were old.
I live in apartment and I didn't know if it would do okay outside before it really starts getting into the hotter months here in Louisiana. I have a back yard with a wooden deck but I'm not sure if it would do good out there and if the leaves would burn. I know they aren't suppose to have direct light but I love it and I want to give the best I can. I will post pictures later.
If it is a "standard" cymbidium, it likes it very bright and very cool, so the leaves won't burn. If it is a miniature or a downsized hybrid, it may be tolerant of less light and higher temperatures. Grow it bright when it's cold and shaded when it's warm.
Don't forget to ALWAYS do a gradual transition to brighter conditions.