That is exactly my doesn't rain often enough here for me to leave them outside without caring...and since they're in such a well-draining mix, they just dry up. :-( They're so big that watering them is too big of a pain. I guess I'll have to give up cyms until I figure out a way to water them regularly enough during the summer. More than 2 times a week is too much for me (I know...guilty of laziness although I sometimes like to say I'm too busy)...CL - you mention someone growing them hydroponically - was this SH or another special system? Cause I can definitely try doing that which would take the trouble out of watering all the time
Also, my cyms all have strange black markings on the leaves. I was paranoid and got them tested for ORSV and CymMV but they came back negative...nonetheless, the markings are VERY virus-like...I'll post pictures here in a bit.