Originally Posted by ky1
Thanks! As I don't know how the florist had it positioned I'm trying to work out how to position it to do the least damage. Should I position it with the majority of the buds facing the window?is this how they grow?
Not always, in answer to your last question. I have had some of the most beautiful bloomings with flowers equally spaced and facing all around the spike. I have also had spikes with flowers deliberately facing AWAY from the light. That said, for you this year, I would place the plant so that the majority of the buds face the light and enjoy.
You would be surprised at how long the budded plants sit in sleeves at the shippers prior to delivery to the florists. The buds haven't a clue which way to face as they are hampered by the sleeve, even if it is clear, and the direction they face has been changed from the original grower's benches.