From Wikipedia:
The inflorescence is produced from the rhizome near one of the pseudobulbs and hangs downwards to about 20–22 cm and is composed of hundreds of small yellowish flowers netted with red that smell like rotting meat to attract various flies.
Soon you'll love Bulbophyllum like us.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
From Wikipedia:
The inflorescence is produced from the rhizome near one of the pseudobulbs and hangs downwards to about 20–22 cm and is composed of hundreds of small yellowish flowers netted with red that smell like rotting meat to attract various flies.
Believe it or not, I have several carrion scented plants including the amorphous titan (voodoo lily)
They really don’t smell bad unless you think about it. They all smell super sweet and then a little off and then as you focus you notice the dead smell
Except the Bulb phalaenopsis- that junk just stinks!!!
Fred Clarke offered a few Grcym hybrids a couple years ago; he had a very limited offering of them in summer of 2019. I think there were 3 hybrids offered; a buddy of mine shot the link to me and I ordered one of each; by the next day, they were all gone. I've bloomed out 2 of them, Grcym. (Cym. Valerie Absolonova x (Cym. Madision Falls x Gram. Crownfox Leopard)) & Grcym. Pakkret Crescendo; the third should hopefully bloom this summer. They're beasts, but definitely temp tolerant, as they shrug off standard cymbidium winters [it can get into the upper 30's in my greenhouse] and seem to relish staying in the greenhouse over the summer.
I've never met an orchid I couldn't kill...
I have a Memoria Nathan Newman NN that has 2 huge spikes coming along and meanwhile I continue to sit here waiting for my alleged "warmth tolerant" Cyms to do anything.
I know there have not been many crosses made but does anyone know of a source for these crosses? I'd like to see what other colors might be on the market and I really don't see anything out there.
@ KG: I have one of the parents to Mem Nathan Newman (Lovely Melody), which is of course also a yellow/green. Plant is large enough to divide soon.
On a different note, last summer a number of the newer warmth tolerant Cymbidiums budded & bloomed over the summer, while outdoors here in NJ. I specifically recall Picasso Moon (yellow), Fire on the Mountain (dark orange) and Ramble on Rose (dark rose). If you want to try some, I should have non-budded plants available of all 3.
__________________ Kim (Fair Orchids)
Founder of SPCOP (Society to Prevention of Cruelty to Orchid People), with the goal of barring the taxonomists from tinkering with established genera!
I am neither a 'lumper' nor a 'splitter', but I refuse to re-write millions of labels.
Interesting input stonedragon. Thank you.
They are "beasts" but not any worse than the massive Cyms that used to take up a quarter of my greenhouse. Now that I'm growing outdoors, I have the room. Cyms were my wife's favorites up north so I've now unfortunately got her hooked on these things but can't find many options for her.
Believe it or not, I have several carrion scented plants including the amorphous titan (voodoo lily)
They really don’t smell bad unless you think about it. They all smell super sweet and then a little off and then as you focus you notice the dead smell
Except the Bulb phalaenopsis- that junk just stinks!!!
When I first started this hobby as just an interest, many years ago, there was a plant from Mexico that put out a star-shaped flower that would hang from the pot and lay on the table. About 5 inches across. Also smelled like dead meat. CRS has removed the name from me. This is just hilarious to me! I have known living people who, like these, smelled like dead things
When I first started this hobby as just an interest, many years ago, there was a plant from Mexico that put out a star-shaped flower that would hang from the pot and lay on the table. About 5 inches across. Also smelled like dead meat....
You might be thinking of the African Stapelias. Stapelia gigantea gets flowers easily 11" / 28cm across. There are other species with smaller flowers.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.