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View Poll Results: Where/how do you Grow Your Orchids?
2Barefeet, AJW, Ashby Chadburn, bil, CPKidofAugusta, dendro king, disalover, dounoharm, Dub3, euplusia, fotofashion, HighSeas, NIVENJ, Polarizeme, RosieC, Selmo, spetrizio, stonedragonfarms, The Orchidist, theanalyst, wdspnr46, weederwoman
22 |
19.13% |
2Barefeet, AJW, AussieVanda, Bent55, bil, Bulbopedilum, DeaC, fotofashion, gngrhill, Goodkoalie, isurus79, khill, LexyBoy, Lorraine, Lynn in Michigan, My Green Pets, NIVENJ, Philantha, pipsxlch, RosieC, S&K Maley, Selmo, slarm, snowflake3111, sruther4d, st4rlight
26 |
22.61% |
Indoors with augmentation
17&growing, 801229001, bellini girl, Bent55, Bill IN, BulboLoverNL, Chris17, czayta, Dandrobium, dangerouseddy, Dante1709, Dave S., DeaC, dounoharm, dshallpost, estación seca, FairyInTheFlowers, Fishkeeper, fleetyfeet, gerneveyn, gngrhill, Goodkoalie, hcastil3, Hiester, isurus79, Jacob Reitsma, jkofferdahl, Joseia, Kadbury, Lucille, Lynn in Michigan, marcmaubert, Matorchid, MermaidNat, MrHappyRotter, My Green Pets, nofickenway, orion141, Paul, RandomGemini, S&K Maley, Salixx, slarm, snowflake3111, theanalyst, thebuddingbotanist, theloyalplum, twinofmunin, viridian-skies, weederwoman
50 |
43.48% |
Indoors with no augmentation
Bent55, bottlemarkercup, callym, Carpe Diem, Cheddarbob14, chiirioz, Deena, estación seca, GoldStar135, Hakumin, inombrable, jackpot, Jakob, JMNYC, judith_arquette, Lady Oscar, LexyBoy, My Green Pets, nenella, neofans, Orchidgirl83, Paphluvr, Patrick.Orchidee, Paul, Philantha, Purpoh, roblaur, RosieC, SaffronZA, Shoreguy, SillyCookies, slarm, SLee, Sonicles, sruther4d, SydneyH, theanalyst, Tim S., TylerK, UK Orchid lover, UserName, zyggy
42 |
36.52% |
Other (kindly elaborate)
7 |
6.09% |
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