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View Poll Results: Do you ever buy orchids for their foliage?
Buy orchids for their foliage?! Are you NUTS?!?!?
AussieVanda, cmantheriault, dounoharm, Ferns Daddy, Greenthumb.5, isurus79, Juan Porras, khill, Purpoh, reliablefool, Tim P., withoutid
12 |
13.48% |
Yes, but only jewel orchids.
6 |
6.74% |
Not very often but once in a while I do.
Alsani, Bulbopedilum, CPKidofAugusta, Daethen, Dante1709, Fairorchids, Fishkeeper, flhiker, GardenTheater, jmarr, Leafmite, Lynn in Michigan, Mokeck, My Green Pets, Nico, Norberg, NYCorchidman, orchiddream, Ordphien, Paul, Poohbie, R.Audrey, RebeccaBC, Rico13, Salixx, stonedragonfarms, Sue W, Tadpole, Tati, trdyl, tropterrarium, Viper, willemjvr, zaba33, zyggy
35 |
39.33% |
Well, yes. Doesn't everybody?
AnonYMouse, awest, Britton Flash, Call_Me_Bob, HighSeas, IncurablePlantHead, Jayfar, jeremiah.chua, Kevin_PR, kylerkcase, lambelkip, lotis146, LoveOscar, lustyrepast, MermaidNat, MrsSky, nikkik, pandakitti, PaphMadMan, phraggy, Polarizeme, ramp, RandomGemini, Sharry, shepherd, slc, soobie, SteveKotarski, Subrosa, The Orchid Boy, theroc1217, TylerK, Tyrfing, vjo, weederwoman, yakmanq
36 |
40.45% |
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