Ten wonderful nominations this month. Congratulations to the nominees! Now we vote!
[1]Blc Waianae Leopard 'Ching Hua'
by RJSquirrel
Blc Waianae Leopard 'Ching Hua'
[2]Cattleya tenebrosa by Bayard
Cattleya tenebrosa
[3]Paphiopedilum callosum by Orchids4ever
[4]Caulocattleya Chantilly Lace 'Hildos' by spetrizio
Caulocattleya Chantilly 'Lace Hildos'
[5]Cymbidium-Forrest-Place-'Royale' by Allan4519
Some images
[6]Onc. Sharry Baby 'Red Fantasy' by cbuchman
Onc. Sharry Baby 'Red Fantasy'
[7]Blc. Bill Krull 'Ponkan' AM/AOS x Orglades Charm 'Crystelle'
Posted by seabead22
Blc. Bill Krull 'Ponkan' AM/AOS x Orglades Charm 'Crystelle'
[8]Lepanthes saltatrix
Posted by RandomGemini
Lepanthes Saltatrix
[9]Sl. Polestar
Posted by bethmarie
Sl. Polestar in full bloom
[10]Dendrobium Hibiki
Hawaiian Sunshine
Dendrobium Hibiki