Contest #3
Subject: "Any - Orchid Hobby Related"
Submission: Any time before Sunday May 29 at midnight
1st Prize: $125 Gift Certificate - sponsored by
www.TheOrchidShop.ca - website will be up later on this week
2nd Prize: $50 Gift Cert to Quarter Acre Orchids - sponsored by Quarter Acre
3rd Prize: $25 Gift Certificate - sponsored by
www.TheOrchidShop.ca - website will be up later on this week
Submit an article/story about any aspect of Orchid growing. Your article must be about something that the general orchid enthusiast will find useful. Minimum of 500 words (roughly one page typed), the use of pictures and illustrations is strongly encouraged. Use of proper grammar and spelling is a must. This must be your original work and submission of someone else's article from the net will result in your immediate disqualification and possibly ... loads of embarrassment. If you need help with resizing of images or format, let me know and I'll help you out.
Once you have an article with which you're satisfied, publish it by going to "
Publish Story" on the menu on the left. I suggest you write it completely on your computer then copy and paste with some edits. Please host any pictures used in the article in our gallery.
Voting for best article will begin shortly after the deadline.
Have fun and teach us something !
Last contests resulted in weak turnouts, so your chances of winning are very high ! Tell your friends about this contest.
Contest rules.
1. Publish your article no later then May 29Th, at midnight.
2. Recommended width of pictures inside the articles is 320px - of course, the smaller picture can be a hyperlink to a larger picture
3. This must be your own work. Use of other or copyright material will result in immediate disqualification
If you have any questions, reply to this thread.
In case you're curious, this post is 300 words