A refresher:
Contest rules.
1. Images must be submitted unsized and at maximum available resolution. The requirements are
11.5 x 9 in. (trimmed on calendar to 11 x 8.5 in.) at 200dpi. This translates to an image 2300x1800 at 200dpi
In other words the bigger the better. (template here) If needed I will size the images, please don't do it yourself. Send the original files.
2. Orientation of the Image must be 'landscape'. Portrait entries will not be considered. (See example here)
3. Once you submit an image you give orchid board the right to manipulate it/size it/crop it and alter it in any way we want in order to use it, and also re-use the image at a later time in conjunction with other Orchid Board activities.
Submitted image must be your own work. Plant has to be from your own collection (at least at the time the photo was taken) Use of other or copyright material will result in immediate disqualification
5. When you submit the photos please be sure to include the following information.
Scientific Name:
Your Real Name:
Your OrchidBoard username: