I have one of those cake-mix fix-it-up cookbooks and there's a recipe for Sugar-Cinnamon Knots.
One 8 oz package cream cheese
One box spice cake mix
1/3 cup sugar ( I mixed regular sugar and a packet of vanilla sugar)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Mix sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl, put aside.
In mixer, combine softened cream cheese and cake mix till well-blended.
Make 1 inch balls and roll them into 4" logs. Twist into a knot like a pretzel, sprinkle with sugar mixture and put on cookie sheet 1 1/2" apart (they spread a little). Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes.
Mine took 14 minutes for perfection
They're a little crisp on the outside and kind of chewy inside. Very tasty and they're rich so just one or two works for me
I'm gonna play around with different flavor cake mixes. Chocolate would be great and I think lemon would be awesome (without the cinnamon)