I'm slowly discovering this genus, even though I only have one (Coel. nitida) which has yet to bloom for me. But it's pictures like yours that keep tempting me to get more

It is too bad about the timing though! How large do your coelogynes get? And correct me if I'm wrong, but I think both of these are cool growers? Must be nice in Vancouver, where you can have cooler conditions in the summers...here, we get blistering hot summers and frigid winters, and with central heating, I've been having real trouble with some of the cool growers (which is ironic, since I live in such a cold place)
I left my nitida (which is a 'tolerant' cool grower, apparently) outside for the autumn so it got 2 months of cool treatment, but then I brought it inside (into my warm house), and it must have gotten confused because to my horror, it started dropping leaves! After a month of doing this, I saw 4 new growths.

Since I was also confused and trying to follow the culture sheets, I withheld water, and the pbulbs nearly all shriveled up! I realize since then that I've been keeping it far too dry so now I'm on a 2week watering cycle. No roots yet, but the growths have slowly lengthened. Hopefully the thing lives - it would be a pity to kill my first plant in this beautiful genus.