Gregor the Orchiata is originally from Australia. It doesn't retain as much moisture as the CHC but since many of my Bulbos and Coel. sit in trays of water and with the sphag lining it is easy to keep them wet.
When the plants eventually have to be hung up, I water them every other day.
I have a hybrid of this plant. Yours look dehydrated. You want to up the watering (must be soaked for a long time each time you water now that your plant is shriveled) and fatten up those pbs.
I have some leaf tip browning but once I trim them off, they seem to stop browning any further.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 08-10-2013 at 01:23 AM..
Leaf tip browning can be from too much fertilizer (or too high concentration for the amount of water the plant gets). Soak it in pure water for a while and let it recover.