Originally Posted by Frdemetr
...You can find Coel. pandurata in the "Orquidário 4 Estações" (I didn't bought mine there, but I guess they are reliable)
Hi Fred! Anselmo (Orq. 4 Estac.) is an old friend. I bought my Coel. "pandurata" there, but when it bloomed it ended up being a primary hybrid named Coel. Burfordiense. I went to see other plants he has and they are all Burfordiense (if memory serves me well, Burfordiense = Coel. pandurata x Coel. aristata). I thought he had fixed his site...
By the way, I was given a Coelogyne plant times ago and it has bloomed today. It seems to be Coel. pandurata. I'm checking out to see the correct identity.