I recently got a coelogyne mooreana and I noticed that even though the surface of the pot has new-ish bark, deeper down, the bark is pretty old. I noticed spiders, cobweb-like mold, and strange critters moving around.
It has two new growths that haven't formed bulbs yet; one growth doesn't have any roots while another has short roots that have stopped growing. It looks like the roots stopped growing once they touched the bark. So I repotted it.
Its roots seem to be thin and not as numerous as, say, oncidiums. There weren't too many dead roots; several roots reached the bottom of the pot. Are coelogyne roots naturally sparse?
Also, only after repotting did I read about how coelogynes hate being disturbed.

Uh oh...is that really true? At least, true for coelogyne mooreana? What are your experiences with this species?