Hi Ray, both of mine have a bulb like this on the surface and so had all the ones in the shop. The bulb dies off anually after producing the new growths (or that is what I was told) and as you can see in the picture the base of the new growths is swelling to form new bulbs.
This one did exactly what you describle... flowered in the spring and then the each growth has just ONE leaf which has grown and grown since the flower dropped (was just tiny when in flower).
I have a second one of these which is a species called maculata and that is autum (fall) flowering. Apparently they grow the leaves in the spring then flower late in the year. That one is also fattening on the new growths in to bulbs.
I was confused because I was told the bulb would die off, and it seemed to be growing.. but Keiki's makes sence.
I was told the autum flowering ones are from India, while the spring flowering ones are from somewhere else... can't remember where though now
This one is a hybrid called Red Poll but I don't think that is a registered name and can't find details of it's parents... it's certainly spring flowering though as i had a massive pink flower shortly after I bought it.