Thank you Rosie
Originally Posted by Trey
Hello Triffid
Congratulations on growing your plant so well.
Hello Trey,
Thank you for the compliment
Originally Posted by Trey
I am going to rock the boat here
Don't worry. I don't get sea-sick!
Originally Posted by Trey
but I dont believe your plant is Dendrochilum cobbianum; I believe your plant is Dendrochilum latifolium var latifolium. This is a much better species to have in your collection than cobbianum anyway because that is a commonly encountered plant and most people have the other latifoilum variety, Dendrochilum latifolium var macranthum in their collections.
Good to know! Must admit, I was curious but, I just put down the differences to being variations within the species. But then I'm no expert

When/If the little beauty opens it's flowers fully I will endeavor to take a few more better quality pictures, as well as some measurements. Hopefully from them we can confirm your assessment. Alas for me, being given the label cobbianum I'm not sure I'll ever be able to show this one (if I ever actually et round to joining a society that is

Never mind though, it's still my little beauty!

(It is nice to think that I may have a more difficult one to get hold of though

Originally Posted by Trey
At times it feels like there are more mislabelled Dendrochilum for sale than there are correctly labelled and anyone buying a plant should really treat it as Dendrochilum sp until it flowers.
Understandable being such a small flowering Genus. But perhaps more than a little frustrating for those Orchid Collectors who do want to show their plants.
If you have any other information on Dendrochilums, or can point me in the right directions that would be much appreciated as I am (now that I have this on on it's way to re-flowering) looking to get some more of different species.
Thank you very much for you insights.
They are always appreciated!