Originally Posted by jason woodrue
Does my coelogyne fimbriata need some sort of winter rest? I have tried to do research on the little guy but havent found much info...
It finished blooming about a month ago and hasnt done a thing since. it has No new roots or no new growths. infact i see no living root tips.
do i keep it dryer or colder for a period of time? should i take out of the terrarium? and put it closer to a cold window and keep it on the dry side until new growth starts? your thoughts and experience would be greatly appreciated.
Jason, everything in orchid culture is relative. What works for me may be a disaster for you. I grow mine in a greenhouse which ranges from high 30C's in summer to about 5C's in winter. The fibreglass on the roof has yellowed over the 35 years that it has been up and so most of the light comes through the side windows (my greenhouse is built like a house so that when I sell my property the new owner can convert it into an outside cottage without having to resubmit plans). In winter I water about once a week. Sometimes when it is a warm day in winter that may increase to twice a week but often it becomes once every two weeks. I rarely fertilise (about once a month or more likely once every 2 months). So my advice to you is to let it be and just observe it. Perhaps when summer is coming move it to an area of higher light e.g. out of doors but be careful you don't let it get burnt by the sun and I would bring it back indoors at night so that it does not get frosted or covered in snow. Once you have mastered it then look for other Coelogynes that have more than one flower open at a time e.g. Coelogyne cristata. Good luck