I have a Coelogyne velutina and it is warm growing but I donīt know if it is sented as it hasnīt flowered for me yet. I have had it for just 1 year and it was very small then. It is a fast grower. It has one new bulb 10 cm tall and two new bulbs on the way up. i hope it will flower next year.
I must apologise. I thought that it was Merlyn who posted this thread initially. My most fragrant Coelogyne species is coelogyne flaccida. I have not gone to the trouble to check fragrance in the others but Coelogyne flaccida you just cannot miss the fragrance it is so strong. Some other Coelogynes which I would consider war growing and which should grow easily for you in florida are : coelogynes barbarta, stricta (sorry about the botrytis on the flowers! :-)), mooreana, marmorata, dayan, chloroptera and beccarii. I have tried to attach thumbnails to show you what they look like so that you can decide which you would like to try. Good luck
Someone mentioned flaccida which I consider to be coolish as well as unpleasent (to me) in the odor dept. The warm ones that I have that I am familiar with are:
Coelogyne confusa (no fragrance)
Coelogyne asperata (fragrance and big!)
Coelogyne pandurata (fragrance and big)
Coelogyne mooreana (fragrance)
Coelogyne assamica (fragrance an small also a little cool hardy)
Coelogyne flexuosa (no fragrance)
Coelogyne ruchosenii (massive fragrance very nice)
Coelogyne massangeana (fragrance)
Coelogyne calcicola (a little fragrant, not sure just how warm or cool hardy)
Coelogyne speciosa (some forms fragrant such as the large salmon colored from smells like homony (eew!))
Here I am, back after 3 years !! Been through a lot more experience with Coelogynes AND my new all time favorite = Catasetum alliance !!
As far as Coelogynes, I've cut down to ONE = the C. South Carolina 'Maplewood' !!! That's a keeper for me ! Have to divide it EVERY year as the leaf span gets to 3 feet and I'm an inside grower except during summer ! Haven't noticed a fragrance yet but who cares, the blooms just do it for me !! I said in an earlier post that it looked like a pandurata, well IT SHOULD because it's 75% pandurata !! It is DEFINITELY a warm grower !!
Catasetum's are nice growing plants and look great in bloom... I have 1 Catasetum and its done blooming and just sitting getting ready to go into whatever they do.
Something about Catasetum people I havent become too opinionated on..yet...but I think they are lazy orchid growers
But good luck and enjoy your Spitting Orchid
LOL !! You're right RJ ! But I have to say the main thing is watching a teeny-tiny new growth bud grow to a 20" + beautiful plant and then BLOOM for me somehow manages to KNOCK MY SOCKS OFF !!!! EVERY TIME !!!!
I highly recommend Coelogyne odoardi. It is my favourite Coelogyne. I grow mine sitting in water, it is a Borneo endemic that is found in the lowlands there. The flowers are brownish-orange and are nicely fragrant.
There are incorrect identifications out there (including some in books!). This is a link to the SOF photo.