I've been given a very large, very old cattleya of some sort. I've cleaned up the old flower spikes and there were some dried up, completely dead psudobulbs that I removed.
The plant is huge. Here it is next to a dendrobium kingianum , and alone.
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Right now it's potted in a clay pot and what I imagine is very old bark mix, with that pot set in a wooden basket. I have the ability to pot it and care for it anyway it needs to thrive. The plant is so grown into itself I'm just not sure how to properly water it without rotting out the interior of the root and psudobulb mass.
I've got a slightly smaller, but very similar mass of brassavola nodosa 'little stars' that I'm planning to mount to a large piece of cedar and suspend it from the ceiling. Until then, it's sitting in a glazed ceramic dish.