Couldn't resist this one and I was almost coming home with two but as this one was the first to be seen and cost less than 8 € ...
It has four sheaths which I don't expect them to bloom because the plant was in a gh with cool temps, cold drafts and high HR.
Some canes are bifoliate while others are not.
It seems to be healthy, but I have a few concerns.
It has what seems to be mechanical damages but the spots are what I have doubts about. I know nothing about diseases so I need some guidance... if you think useful to see new photos please ask me... I don't know...what do you think by its looks?
And there's also this unopened leaf which has the looks that it won't open.
I'm planning to let it adapt to my environment for a month but tomorrow I will spray it with imidacloprid just in case...
About the repot, now the temps are starting to get higher it must be almost starting to grow new roots. When it happens I will repot it in a wood basket.